Choosing the Right MVP for Your Product and Speeding Up Development with AI

updated on 18 July 2024
Photo by Mourizal Zativa on Unsplash
Photo by Mourizal Zativa on Unsplash

As you consider building your own minimum viable product, let this simple rule suffice: remove any feature, process, or effort that does not contribute directly to the learning you seek.

Eric Ries

In product development, a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a fundamental concept that allows teams to test and validate their ideas quickly and efficiently. With the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), the process of developing and refining an MVP has become even more effective.

This article explores the different types of MVPs, their importance, and how AI can enhance the MVP development process.

What is an MVP?

A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is the most basic version of a product that can still deliver value to customers. It includes only the essential features needed to test hypotheses and gather feedback from early adopters. This approach helps teams validate their ideas and make data-driven decisions before investing heavily in full-scale development.

Importance of MVP in Product Development

The MVP approach allows product teams to:

  • Validate assumptions: Test core hypotheses about the product with minimal investment.
  • Gather user feedback: Understand user needs and preferences early in the development cycle.
  • Reduce time to market: Quickly launch a product to gain competitive advantage.
  • Optimize resource allocation: Focus on developing features that provide the most value.

Different Types of MVP

Concierge MVP

  • Involves providing a personalized service manually to test the concept before automating it.
  • Example: A meal delivery service where the founder personally selects and delivers meals to customers based on their preferences.

Wizard of Oz MVP

  • Appears fully functional to users, but the backend processes are manually executed.
  • Example: An app that claims to automate scheduling but is actually managed by a person behind the scenes.

Single Feature MVP

  • Focuses on one core feature to test its effectiveness before expanding.
  • Example: Facebook initially launched as a simple tool to keep track of friends.

Piecemeal MVP

  • Combines existing tools and services to create a functional product prototype.
  • Example: Using Google Forms for data collection and Excel for analysis to test a new survey service.

Landing Page MVP

  • Uses a simple landing page to gauge interest and collect user information.
  • Example: A website describing a product with a sign-up form for interested users, used to validate demand.

Examples of Successful MVPs

  • Dropbox: Used a simple explainer video to demonstrate the product concept, which helped validate demand before full-scale development.
  • Airbnb: Started by renting out air mattresses in their apartment to test the idea of short-term rentals.
  • Zappos: Tested the viability of an online shoe store by initially listing products they didn't own and buying them from local stores when orders were placed.

How to Choose the Right MVP for Your Product

  • Understand your goals: Define what you want to learn from the MVP.
  • Know your audience: Identify who will use the product and their needs.
  • Evaluate resources: Consider the time, budget, and skills available.
  • Assess risks: Identify potential risks and plan how to mitigate them.

How AI Can Help You 

AI can significantly enhance the MVP development process by:

  • Automating repetitive tasks: Tools like ChatGPT can help generate content and perform data analysis.
  • Providing insights: AI-driven analytics tools can offer deep insights into user behavior and preferences.
  • Enhancing personalization: AI algorithms can customize user experiences based on data-driven insights.
  • Improving decision-making: Predictive analytics can help anticipate market trends and user needs.

AI Tools Use Cases Examples


  • Use Case: Automating customer support, generating content, and providing initial interaction with users.
  • Benefits: Handles repetitive inquiries, provides consistent information, and collects user feedback efficiently.
  • Source: OpenAI

Figma with AI Plugins

  • Use Case: Design and prototyping with AI-enhanced tools for creating user interfaces and user experiences.
  • Benefits: Automates design tasks, generates design variations, and optimizes user interfaces based on user data.
  • Source: Figma


  • Description: An AI platform for text analysis that offers tools for sentiment analysis, keyword extraction, and classification.
  • Usage: Useful for analyzing customer feedback, identifying trends, and extracting actionable insights to refine the MVP.
  • Source: MonkeyLearn

Airtable with AI Integrations

  • Description: A flexible database that can be integrated with AI tools for enhanced data management and analysis.
  • Usage: Used for organizing user feedback, managing feature requests, and integrating with AI models to predict user needs and optimize product features.
  • Source: Airtable


  • Description: A platform for Innovators and Product Owners, to work on their ideas and collaborate with developers to make them become reality.
  • Usage: Used for organizing product and feature ideas, defining users, core functionalities, use cases and user stories for development.
  • Source: Gluecharm

To recap

Choosing the right MVP is crucial for the success of your product. By understanding the different types of MVPs and leveraging AI tools, you can develop a product that meets user needs and achieves business goals. Embrace the MVP approach to validate your ideas, gather valuable feedback, and iterate quickly to create a product that stands out in the market.

For more tips and tools on product development, and find out how Gluecharm can help your product team book a demo or try it now for free.

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