Benefits Calculator

Number of Developers

Average Yearly Salary (€)

Calculation Explanation

  • Infrastructure Management Time Savings: This is calculated by multiplying the number of developers by their average salary, the percentage of time they spend on infrastructure management (30%), and the percentage of time saved by using Gluecharm (20%). This gives the total amount of money saved on infrastructure management.

  • Reduced Turnover Costs: This is calculated by multiplying the number of developers by the average turnover rate (15%), the average cost of hiring a new developer as a percentage of their salary (20%), and the reduction in turnover achieved by using Gluecharm (20%). This gives the total amount of money saved on turnover costs.

  • Shorter Onboarding Time: This is calculated by multiplying the number of developers by the average turnover rate, the average salary of a developer, the average onboarding time as a fraction of a year (3 months = 0.25 years), and the reduction in onboarding time achieved by using Gluecharm (20%). This gives the total amount of money saved on onboarding new developers.

  • Increased Development Time: This is calculated by multiplying the number of developers by the additional development time achieved by using Gluecharm (10%) and the average salary of a developer. This gives the total additional revenue generated by the increased development time.

  • Total Benefit: This is calculated by adding up the four benefits calculated above. This gives the total financial benefit of using Gluecharm.

Data and Assumptions

Number of DevelopersUser InputThe number of developers in the team.
Average Developer Salary€85,000The average annual salary of a developer.
Average Turnover Rate15%The average rate at which developers leave the team.
Average Onboarding Time3 months (0.25 years)The average time it takes to onboard a new developer.
Average Hiring Cost as % of Salary20%The average cost of hiring a new developer, expressed as a percentage of their salary.
Time Spent on Infrastructure Management30%The percentage of time developers spend on managing infrastructure.
Reduction in Turnover with Gluecharm20%The reduction in turnover achieved by using Gluecharm.
Reduction in Onboarding Time with Gluecharm20%The reduction in onboarding time achieved by using Gluecharm.
Additional Development Time with Gluecharm10%The additional development time achieved by using Gluecharm.
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