Gluecharm for Proof of Concept Development

In the fast-paced world of software development, creating a convincing Proof of Concept (PoC) is a critical step in validating the feasibility and potential impact of a new idea or solution. 

Gluecharm's AI teammates help teams to develop their PoCs more effectively by streamlining the process of defining and scoping a project and ensuring that the underlying architecture and user stories are robust. 

  • 1
    AI Product Analyst

    This AI teammate is designed to assist you in conceptualizing and mapping out a PoC and scoping work, including the writing of user stories. 

  • 2
    AI Technical Analyst

    This AI teammate is optimized for detailing use cases and crafting front-end and back-end diagrams to support the development of the application. 

Mapping a PoC faster

For product managers and developers aiming to conceptualize a PoC

  • Visual Representation of Ideas

    Creates a visual representation of the application's architecture, making it easier for stakeholders to understand the concept and its feasibility.

  • Proven Design Patterns

    Ensures that the PoC is built on a solid and scalable foundation, by guiding users to leverage Event Driven Architecture and microservices design patterns.

  • Streamlined Development Process

    Streamlines the development process by providing a clear blueprint of the application logic, allowing developers to focus on creating functional prototypes..

Writing user stories in a click

For product managers and developers aiming to scope their PoC

  • Concise User Stories

    Enables teams to craft fast user stories that precisely outline the expected functionalities and benefits, making it easier to communicate the added value.

  • Efficient scoping of work

    Helps teams define a scope of work that is manageable yet comprehensive enough to cover the essential aspects of the concept being tested.


    Facilitates the cross-functional collaboration by providing a shared framework for scoping and discussing the project.

Strengthen your PoC Development

Combining Gluecharm's AI teammates provides a comprehensive toolkit that addresses both the architectural and functional aspects of a PoC. 

This integrated approach ensures that the PoC is not only technically feasible but also clearly aligned with user needs and business objectives.

Built on Unicorn Platform